Project surface geometry and parameters on ROW images.
Calibrated imagery from survey vehicles enables us to create intuitive and powerful tool, such as easy identification and verification of local road damages to the road, such as fretting or smaller potholes.
Measure on the image using the virtual tape measure or area calculator.
Export your current map view as KML for visualisation in Google Earth.
The already powerful map view has until now lacked the functionality of exporting a view to a format readable directly by 3rd party software. Now we are introducing the KML export functionality which lets you at any time you are working within the map module, export the current view including all selected parameters and parameter requirements.
The backend dashboard graphics gets what is probably the last update as the new map centric dashboard is nearing it's first beta release.
Quick contact
Telephone: +46-737-879-703
Viabix AB
Killingbrinken 19
16571 Hässelby
Quick Bio
We provide services and products that aid in collection and analysis of data for the transport and infrastructure sector.
Organisation number: 559025-6581
VAT Number: SE559025658101